Sunday, April 3, 2011

Honour Killing -- cultural, religious or predator tactic?
(c)*Susan Elizabeth Dykhuis, 03April2011
(c)*AKA Sasha Gold, Sasha Canadian

Article here:

I read this many times. What I gleaned from reading and re-reading is:

Honour Killing is a male-contrived act, not necessarily cultural or religious, but a tactic or action used by males to control females. Origin is perhaps an innate urge to pass down one's DNA.

This reaffirms my long-held personal view that in an extreme situation, any male is capable of raping, enslaving or killing a woman or women if he thinks other males will not punish or kill him for his acts. If he could also kill other males' offspring without retribution to him or his offspring, most likely that could happen too.

Mother Nature's live birth ratio male : female is 105 : 100 Was this Mother Nature's way to ensure males would vie for the female, thus ensuring stronger/healthier males father the next generation? Is it perhaps an innate male factor to fight to pass down his genes the cause or part of why males try to control females?

Mother Nature overlooked factoring in medical advancements where pre-determination of gender before live birth resulted in many female fetuses aborted. Societies with a preference for male fetuses over female ones now face a situation where there are not enough women to marry surplus of males born because of this anti-female bias.

To eradicate Honour Killing would require concerted effort by the male half of the population. If the majority of men globally had a policy of eliminating males who commit "honour killings", in time that would eradicate this "custom".

In the name of your daughters, I ask men everywhere, what has taken the male half of the human population so long to avenge the honour killers?

Honour Killing -- cultural, religious or predator tactic?
(c)*Susan Elizabeth Dykhuis, 03April2011
(c)*AKA Sasha Gold, Sasha Canadian

Article here:


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